AMC – Sujets Bac Annales

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Le tableau ci-dessous vous indique la thématique et les consignes de chaque sujet. 

Année Lieu Thématiques et consignes 
2023 Sujet Septembre 2023 1. « Environnements en mutation »
“Say what the documents reveal about the water-related issues faced in the area of Las Vegas, Nevada, and how the authorities deal with them.” (500 words) + Transposition 

2. « Faire Société »
“Taking into account the specificities of the documents, show how Black artists interact with the art world and influence today’s American society. ” (500 words) + Traduction 

2023 La Réunion  1. « Faire société »
“Taking into account their specificities, say what these documents reveal about racial prejudice in the USA and its impact on black people.” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Relation au monde »
“Taking into account their specificities, say how the documents explore the relationships of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with non-Indigenous Australians in postcolonial Australia.” (500 words) + Traduction
2023 Centres Etrangers
Gr1 – J4
1. « Relation au monde ».
“Taking into account the specificities of the documents, consider the role played by the United States in climate diplomacy. You will pay particular attention to the evolution of the American environmental commitment and the relationship between the USA and other nations.” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Faire Société »
“Taking into account their specificities, say what the documents show about the strategies to address inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, the actions undertaken and persisting issues.” (500 words) + Traduction
2023 Centres Etrangers
Gr1 – J2
1. « Faire société »
“Taking into account the specificities of the four documents, show how contemporary dance mirrors American diversity.” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Environnements en mutation »
“Taking into account their specificities, show how the documents illustrate some of the challenges faced by Lagos and the various ways of coping with them.” (500 words) + Transposition
2023 Polynésie  1. « Faire société »
“Show how the four documents reflect British people’s diverse perceptions of the monarchy and the impact of those perceptions on national cohesion.” (500 words) + Traduction 
2. « Relation au monde »
“Taking into account their specificities, analyse what the three documents show about migration to and from South Africa, and its impact on South African society.” (500 words) + Traduction 
2023 Métropole, Mayotte, Antilles, Guyane 1. « Environnements en mutation »
“Taking into account the specificities of the documents, say what they show about the way environmental issues are perceived and addressed in the Great Lakes area by citizens and authorities.” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Relation au monde »
“Taking into account the specificities of the documents, say what they reveal about the evolution of the relations between Commonwealth members and the United Kingdom, focusing on their common legacy and the current political challenges. “ (500 words) + Traduction
2022 Nouvelle Calédonie 1. « Faire société »
“Say what the documents show about access to food in American cities. You may focus on the nature and the causes of nutrition problems that some American citizens face,
and on the solutions that are set up to address these problems.” (500 words) + Transposition
2. « Relation au monde »
“Taking into account the specificity of each document, show how Britons deal with the memory of their former empire.” (500 words) + Transposition
2022 Amérique du Nord 1. « Environnements en mutation »
et sur l’axe d’étude 2 « De la protection de la nature à la transition écologique »
“Taking into account the specificities of each document, present New Zealand’s special relationship with the environment and the issues the country is facing.” (500 words) + Traduction 
2. « Faire société »

et sur l’axe d’étude 1 « Unité et pluralité »
“Show how the three documents illustrate British attitudes towards race and cultural heritage within the world of sport. ” (500 words) + Traduction 
2022 Asie 1. « Faire Société »
“Taking into account their specificities and viewpoints, say what the documents show about the impact of secondary private education on university admissions and future career
options in the UK.” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Relation au monde ».
Say what the documents reveal about the way Native Americans are represented in the United States. Pay particular attention to inherited stereotypes and their commercial use,
the limited visibility of their communities in the public sphere, and the importance of political action. ” (500 words) + Traduction 
2022 Centres Etrangers Gr1 1. « Faire société »
“Taking into account the specificities of the four documents, show the challenges the United Kingdom still has to face regarding the representation of diversity” (500 words) + Traduction 
2. « Environnements en mutation »

“Taking into account their specificities, say what the documents reveal about the different reasons that led to the creation of national parks in the USA, and explain how these reasons illustrate changing and conflicting perceptions of the concept of preservation.” (500 words) + Transposition
2022 Polynésie  1. « Relation au monde »
et sur l’axe d’étude 3 « Héritage commun et diversité »
“Taking into account the specificities of the four documents, analyse the evolving place of the English language in the world.” (500 words) + Transposition
« Faire société »
et sur l’axe d’étude 2 « Libertés publiques et libertés individuelles »
“Taking into account the three documents, show how and why some Americans are preparing for the collapse of society, and what this reveals about American culture.” (500 words) + Transposition
2022 Mayotte 1. « Faire société »
“Taking into account their specificities, show how these documents illustrate the persistence of the American Dream and how it challenges those who have chosen to
pursue it. ” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Relation au monde »
“Taking into account their specificities and the different viewpoints they express, show how the documents illustrate the difficulties faced by today’s Canadian society as it copes with its historical heritage.” (500 words) + Traduction
2022 Métropole, La Réunion, Guyane, Mayotte – sujet de remplacement 1. « Faire Société »
“Say what the documents reveal about the question of slavery reparations in the US, the issues it raises, and how it is − or could be − dealt with.” (500 words) + Transposition
2. « Environnements en mutation ».
“Taking into account the specificities of the documents, show how human and natural causes affect flood risks along the river Thames, and present some of the solutions that have been developed or considered.” (500 words) + Traduction
2022 Métropole, Antilles, Guyane, La Réunion  1. “Relation au monde”
“Taking into account their specificities, explain what the documents say about the influence of Ireland worldwide. Pay particular attention to the Irish diaspora and recent
migration movements, the evolution of Ireland’s image, and the political strategies to reinforce Ireland’s position on the international stage.” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Environnements en mutation 
Taking into account their specificities and viewpoints, say what the documents show about green space management in and around London. You will pay particular attention to:
– inequalities of access to green space,
– the function of the Green Belt and green space,
– the challenges that London faces. ” (500 words) + Traduction
2021 Métropole, Mayotte, Antilles, Guyane, La Réunion
(sujet de remplacement) 
1. « Faire Société »
“Taking into account their specificities and viewpoints, say what the documents show about the impact of both regional and foreign accents on how people are perceived by others. Pay attention to the different types of social pressure and discrimination which this creates.  (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Relation au monde »
“Taking into account their specificities, say what the documents reveal about the capacity of art to give voice to diversity and still speak to everyone. ” (500 words)
2021 Métropole, Mayotte, Antilles, Guyane, La Réunion
(sujet de l’épreuve)
1. « Environnements en mutation »
“Say what the documents show about the way in which women’s experience of city life shapes their vision of cities, and about the role that women can and want to play in redesigning urban space. ” (500 words) + Traduction
2. « Relation au monde »
“Say what the documents reveal about the complex relationship between the American and Chinese film industries. Pay particular attention to their strengths and weaknesses in the competition between the two countries for global economic and cultural dominance. . ” (500 words)
+ Traduction
2021 Centres étrangers  1. « Faire société »
a) Taking into account their specificities and viewpoints, show how documents A, B , and C illustrate the challenges inherent in efforts to increase diversity in higher education. (approximately 300 words – 10 pts)
b) “More than two decades after affirmative action was outlawed at public campuses, University of California regents on Monday unanimously supported the repeal of
Proposition 209. […]” (Document B, l. 1-3).
As a citizen of California, write a letter to the editor of the Los Angeles Times explaining your reaction to the University of California’s recent announcement in favour of affirmative action. (approximately 200 words – 6 pts) + Transposition
2. « Relation au monde »
“Taking into account the different viewpoints, explain why Britain’s relationship with the USA may be at a turning point.” (500 words)  + Transposition
2021 Amérique du Nord 1. « Faire société » et l’axe d’étude « Égalités et inégalités »
“Write a commentary (about 500 words) explaining how the four documents deal with the subject of Aboriginal empowerment in Australia.” + Traduction 
2. « Relation au monde » et l’axe d’étude « Héritage commun et diversité »
Write a commentary on the three documents (about 500 words). Show how these documents explore the complexity of Irish-American heritage and identity. + Transposition
Sujets 0 Thématiques et consignes
Term 1. « Relation au monde »
a. Say what the documents reveal about the influences that have shaped English both as a shared language on the global stage and as a language of self-expression for individuals, groups and nations.
(b) Vous rédigerez, au choix, l’un des deux écrits complémentaires demandés
ci-dessous :
– ‘The price a world language must be prepared to pay is submission to many
different kinds of use’ (document B, l. 45-46). Expliquez en anglais et en
200 mots maximum en quoi les documents A et C illustrent ce propos de China
Achebe cité ici. (6 points)
– ‘We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of
course, language.’ (document C) A la lumière des documents A et B, expliquez,
en anglais et en 200 mots maximum, quelles similitudes et quels contrastes il
est possible de percevoir entre la situation que décrivait sur un mode
humoristique Oscar Wilde en 1887 et la relation du Nigéria contemporain à la
langue anglaise. (6 points)
+ traduction
2. « Faire société »

“Taking into account their specificities, show how the documents illustrate the
complexities and challenges of what document B calls the ‘political, economic and
social equality of the sexes’ (l. 6-7). 500 words.”
+ traduction
Term  1. « Environnements en mutation »
“Taking into account their specificities and viewpoints, say what the documents show about the difficulties, risks, and paradoxes of city planning. You will pay particular attention to:
– public policy;
– community;
– heritage;
– past and future” 
500 words + transposition
2.  “Faire société”

Taking into account their specificities, show how the documents illustrate some of the
tensions in American society and the manner in which they can sometimes find a
resolution. Make sure to address not just the past or present wrongs suffered by Native Americans, but also:
– the relationship between Native Americans and the federal government;
– the relationship between the states and the federal government;
– the role of the courts in American democracy.
500 words + traduction
Term 1. “Faire société”
Explain what the documents show about poverty in the United States. Make sure that
you address:
– factors and signs of poverty;
– factors and signs of improvement;
– variations over time and by categories of population.
500 words + traduction
2. « Environnements en mutation »

a) Taking into account their specificities, say what the documents reveal about changing perceptions of good city-planning between the end of the Second World War and our own times.
(b) “Streets and their sidewalks, the main public places of a city, are its most
vital organs.” (Document C, l. 1) Vous expliquerez en anglais et en 200 mots
maximum en quoi cette affirmation de Jane Jacobs éclaire les documents A et B. (6 points)
+ traduction


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